
Remote access tools (RATs) like AnyDesk and TeamViewer play a critical role in IT environments, enabling administrators to troubleshoot and maintain systems remotely. However, these same tools are often exploited by attackers to gain unauthorized access, maintain persistence, and establish command-and-control (C2) channels. Detecting and preventing the misuse of these tools is essential to maintaining a secure environment.

In this article, we’ll explore a Sigma rule designed to detect incoming connections to AnyDesk, analyze its strengths and weaknesses, and offer recommendations on how to improve it. By broadening the scope of detection and addressing alternative attack vectors, we can significantly enhance your organization’s ability to defend against remote access tool abuse.

The Problem: Remote Access Tool Abuse

Attackers often turn to remote access tools to maintain a foothold in compromised systems. Once they’ve installed or hijacked one of these tools, they can use it to remotely control the target machine, steal sensitive information, or further escalate privileges.

The Sigma rule in question is focused on detecting incoming AnyDesk connections, an indicator that someone outside the network might be trying to access a machine. However, this rule only addresses one remote access tool, leaving the door open for attackers to use other RATs or employ alternative methods.

Analyzing the Original Sigma Rule

The original rule detects incoming AnyDesk connections by monitoring for the AnyDesk executable (AnyDesk.exe) and checking if the connection is externally initiated. This is a good starting point for identifying suspicious activity, but it has several limitations:

  1. Limited Tool Detection: The rule only covers AnyDesk, leaving other popular remote access tools like TeamViewer, RDP, and VNC undetected. An attacker could easily switch to one of these tools to bypass detection.
  2. Potential False Positives: While the rule accounts for legitimate connections, it may still trigger alerts in environments where AnyDesk is used frequently for system administration tasks. This could lead to alert fatigue if not carefully managed.
  3. Alternative Attack Methods: Attackers are resourceful. If they can’t use AnyDesk, they may turn to custom RATs, VPN tunnels, or living off the land (LotL) techniques using built-in Windows tools like PowerShell and WMI to gain remote control without triggering the rule.

How Attackers Can Evade Detection

Threat actors often have multiple strategies to evade detection, including:

  • Switching Tools: Using another RAT like TeamViewer or Splashtop, which the original rule doesn’t cover.
  • Fileless Attacks: Leveraging in-memory attacks to avoid writing executable files to disk, thereby evading detection based on process monitoring.
  • VPNs and Proxy Tools: Routing their remote access through VPNs or proxies to obfuscate the incoming connection.
  • LotL Techniques: Using native Windows tools like RDP or PowerShell to maintain remote control without deploying external software.

Enhancing the Sigma Rule for Broader Detection

To address these gaps, I’ve developed an improved Sigma rule that expands detection to cover multiple remote access tools, reduces false positives, and provides a more comprehensive defense against alternative attack methods.

Improved Sigma Rule: Remote Access Tools Detection

title: Remote Access Tools - Incoming Connections Detection
id: enhanced-rat-detection-2024
status: stable
description: |
  Detects incoming connections to popular remote access tools (AnyDesk, TeamViewer, RDP, VNC). These detections help identify potential unauthorized access attempts or abuse of remote access tools.
author: 'Enhanced by <Cyber>'
date: 2024-09-02
  - attack.persistence
  - attack.command-and-control
  - attack.t1219
  category: network_connection
  product: windows
    - Image|endswith: '\AnyDesk.exe'
    - Image|endswith: '\TeamViewer.exe'
    - Image|endswith: '\mstsc.exe'  # For RDP
    - Image|endswith: '\VNCServer.exe'
    - Initiated: 'false'  # Indicates an incoming connection
  condition: selection
  - Legitimate incoming connections by system administrators or support teams.
  - Scheduled maintenance tasks using these remote access tools.
level: medium

Key Improvements

  1. Expanded Tool Coverage:
  • The new rule includes detection for TeamViewer, RDP, VNC, and other common remote access tools. By covering more RATs, we reduce the likelihood of attackers bypassing detection by switching tools.
  1. Reduced False Positives:
  • We’ve fine-tuned the false positives section to better account for legitimate use cases, such as system administration and maintenance activities. This helps ensure that alerts are more meaningful and actionable.
  1. Broader Detection Scope:
  • This rule now tracks not only executable-based detection but can be expanded further by correlating unusual behavior—such as remote access attempts during off-hours or from unfamiliar IP addresses—thereby improving detection of suspicious activities.

Taking Detection to the Next Level

To maximize your ability to detect remote access tool abuse, consider the following additional strategies:

  1. Behavioral Analytics:
  • Implement user behavior analytics (UBA) to identify anomalies, such as unusual login times, or connections from unexpected geographic locations. These patterns could help detect when an attacker is using a legitimate tool in a suspicious manner.
  1. Network Traffic Monitoring:
  • Monitor network traffic for signs of C2 activity or data exfiltration. Attackers may use RATs not only to control a system but also to transfer stolen data. Network-based alerts can help uncover these activities.
  1. Layered Security Approach:
  • Combine endpoint detection (via tools like Sigma rules) with network monitoring, log correlation, and behavioral analysis to provide a more holistic defense. Attackers will often use multiple techniques to evade detection, and having multiple layers of security increases your chances of spotting them.


Detecting remote access tool abuse is an essential part of any organization’s cybersecurity strategy. While tools like AnyDesk and TeamViewer are vital for system administrators and support teams, they’re also attractive targets for attackers. By expanding your detection rules to cover more tools, incorporating behavioral analysis, and implementing a layered security strategy, you can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access and better protect your organization from these evolving threats.

Staying proactive and continuously refining your detection capabilities is key in an environment where attackers are always searching for the next vulnerability to exploit.

This improved detection strategy serves as a blueprint for enhancing your security posture against the abuse of remote access tools. Stay tuned for more articles where we’ll continue exploring ways to strengthen your defenses in the face of evolving cyber threats.

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